When you are thinking of the question, "Nothing is really secure- Get over it" is quit scary to some people in our society. Many people a extremely cautious of what information they give out to people, but the fact of the matter is, even with the little information you give people they will still be able to find information about you on the internet. Doing some research I found a website called www.endoftheamericandream.com, they posted an article of the 10 reason why nothing you do on the will ever be private again. The number one reason they gave was, the federal government and get your internet activity for five years. No matter if they believe you are a terrorist or not they still have the right to get your private information. Second, government agencies are watching you, the CIA and FBI have announced plans to monitor social media for keywords they feel are unjust.
When you think of the all the consequences that will come with this, is people wanting to know why they are being watched, and why they need all their information to track them throughout they daily lives. The main thought is with cell phones, with the cell phone activity going through the roof, there will have to be some security procedure in place. With putting in a security procedure comes the use of your information to stop all the bad things from happening. So, with my understanding people will either have drop off the face of the earth, or come to terms with their personal information being out there for everyone to see.
Yeah, that is pretty crazy that the government and agencies have access up to 5 previous years of sites you have visited. I like that you brought up how the FBI and CIA monitor the social media for keywords that feel are unjust.