Thursday, April 18, 2013

How social media changes how we interact

      This blog is based off the question, Describe how using social networking technologies changes how you communicate with your family and friends. To start off, I'm and always on either Facebook, Twitter, Skype, or Instagram. To be honest I don't know what I'd do if i didn't have these application to keep up with friends and family. I use theses sites to keep up with friends I wouldn't talk or have little interaction with the person. I use social media as a way to communicate with a large group of people not just one person like through text messages or email. You are always able to see the post or even comment on it.

Another reason I use theses sites is to interact with my family who live far away and don't get to see very often. It is always nice to see posts of what they are doing or even pictures of the places they have been to. The nicest part about this was when my cousin was in the marines based in Hawaii. He was always way behind in the time zone so, I ever knew when to contact him, but through Facebook we would be able to chat. Also, means I'm away from home and my Grandma is always wondering about the things I'm doing in college (All the clean some anyways) she is always telling me how she saw I was at a badger game from the pictures that were on Facebook. A Washington AARP did a survey and found out that, "70 percent of people age 45 and older who use the internet have at least one social media account." This number seems high but it is crazy, this is how they have learned to interact and have adjusted to it. Without Facebook and twitter and everything else, I would not have the interactions with all the friends and family members as I do now, and I'm very grateful for that.


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