Tuesday, April 30, 2013

SMS as a language

The question is: Should SMS be accepted as a new language and taught in schools? SMS is short for short message service, it is known for being used in text messages and some emails. SMS uses short forms of words to make it easier to send messages to people. As for if it should be taught in schools, I feel like it is up in the air, I can see the up sides but, then I can also see the downsides. The upsides of it being taught in school is for for being able to take notes faster, it could be a way for the teachers to make learning fun and interesting(1). The downsides that I see are that if the students get in the habit of using SMS when they get into the professional setting, they could make mistakes and then the people you are writing to will not take you serious. The other downfall would be that it already is causing problems. With me and my homework, I sometimes find myself using the language and then realize it, and have to start over. So, if is taught in school then it will just become a larger problem.
Overall, I think that SMS language should be kept out of the schools and just used for personal interactions through text message and emails. But, it will be extremely interesting to see what this up and coming generation will do with this language.

1. http://theinnovativ
2. http://www.west-info.eu/sms-helps-writing-better/

Relationships on the Internet

The question this time is: To what extent do relationships that are formed online and remain virtual differ from ones that formed as a result of meeting in person? First of all meeting person face to face you make that personal connection, you able to touch the person and interact with them whenever you are together. But forming a relationship is different you have the barrier that you are dealing with, and that barrier is the screen on your computer. Relationships are becoming more popular with all the busy activities we do. For me with my relationship is like having that physical interaction, talking, and just being around that special person. Where as on the internet you are only able to see them, if not even that. This is a hot topic because of the term Catfishing. Dating a person online with only seeing pictures of them, but it turned out to be a different person then the ones you have seen in pictures. The only difference from meeting relationships and online relationships is having that physical interaction. If you are ok with not being able to hug the person you are in a relationship then online relationships are for you.


Network Tour

1. Describe, briefly, the overall network design strategy at Edgewood. The design is set up with two different paths. It is set up so that when one path fails it switches over to the other path so the network can stay up and running without any problems.
2. What approach has been used when determining the specific technologies needed to expand the network to match the needs of the organization- The approach is that they try to stay up-to-date. They were updating the cables so they can send more information at time. They were also putting in place that all people who sign onto the network will have to enter a password to not just get on the computers but also the internet.
3. What type of technologies have been utilized to integrate the various facilities? For the new building a little ways away from the main building they have to put in WAMPS so the internet signal would be able to reach the building. They also had to put dead zones in place to make sure the high school and grade schools don't use the network.
4. The skills that you would need to work in a networking area of IT would be you would have to understand the different parts of networking along with security. You would have to keep takes calsses to keep up-to-date on all the new items that come out to the market.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

How social media changes how we interact

      This blog is based off the question, Describe how using social networking technologies changes how you communicate with your family and friends. To start off, I'm and always on either Facebook, Twitter, Skype, or Instagram. To be honest I don't know what I'd do if i didn't have these application to keep up with friends and family. I use theses sites to keep up with friends I wouldn't talk or have little interaction with the person. I use social media as a way to communicate with a large group of people not just one person like through text messages or email. You are always able to see the post or even comment on it.

Another reason I use theses sites is to interact with my family who live far away and don't get to see very often. It is always nice to see posts of what they are doing or even pictures of the places they have been to. The nicest part about this was when my cousin was in the marines based in Hawaii. He was always way behind in the time zone so, I ever knew when to contact him, but through Facebook we would be able to chat. Also, means I'm away from home and my Grandma is always wondering about the things I'm doing in college (All the clean some anyways) she is always telling me how she saw I was at a badger game from the pictures that were on Facebook. A Washington AARP did a survey and found out that, "70 percent of people age 45 and older who use the internet have at least one social media account." This number seems high but it is crazy, this is how they have learned to interact and have adjusted to it. Without Facebook and twitter and everything else, I would not have the interactions with all the friends and family members as I do now, and I'm very grateful for that.


How devices affect the environment

         For this blog I will be relating it off of the question, Consider the impact of personal networking devices, interns of the environment. What do you think are the biggest areas of immediate impact? How about long term? Will I believe with having personal devices it will cut down on the number of letters and post cards we send to love ones. Instead of cutting down trees to make paper for letters, post cards, and etc. we will be saving a lot of natural resources that way. According to an article Can your Computer and the Internet Help Save the Environment on www.brighthub.com. The number of tip was working digitally will save paper, its says "Only print when necessary. Computers allow you to proofread and edit multiple drafts of a document, none of which need to be printed". Not only not sending letters to friends and family, but through businesses this is huge. They are known for printing a of documents off to hand out to workers or clients. If only they would send them letter that would save so many trees.

           Going off of sending more emails instead of letter, the growing popularity of nooks and iPad for reading books. With theses devices becoming huge in the electronic department, the need for printing paper books have decreased. According to TopTenReviews, " Twenty-four trees are required to produce a ton of paper for printing books, and twelve are needed for a ton of newspaper. Thirty- five percent of those books printed are destroyed before they are even read".  Know that is a lot of paper to waste to just let some buy, but then just throw it away, not knowing if he/she will recycle the paper or not. 

         Overall, for the long term of this topic I believe that it has a great outlook. With people going to there devices to read and send letter back and forth to each other will just grow with popularity within the market. As for the use of energy with theses devices, I have a feeling that some time soon there will be a break through and a device will be able to run off natural energy from the sun or light within the building, just like the calculators back in the day. Anything is possible with the market and I can't wait to see where it goes. 


Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Nothing is secure

When you are thinking of the question, "Nothing is really secure- Get over it" is quit scary to some people in our society. Many people a extremely cautious of what information they give out to people, but the fact of the matter is, even with the little information you give people they will still be able to find information about you on the internet. Doing some research I found a website called www.endoftheamericandream.com, they posted an article of the 10 reason why nothing you do on the will ever be private again. The number one reason they gave was, the federal government and get your internet activity for five years. No matter if they believe you are a terrorist or not they still have the right to get your private information. Second, government agencies are watching you, the CIA and FBI have announced plans to monitor social media for keywords they feel are unjust.

When you think of the all the consequences that will come with this, is people wanting to know why they are being watched, and why they need all their information to track them throughout they daily lives. The main thought is with cell phones, with the cell phone activity going through the roof, there will have to be some security procedure in place. With putting in a security procedure comes the use of your information to stop all the bad things from happening. So, with my understanding people will either have drop off the face of the earth, or come to terms with their personal information being out there for everyone to see.


Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Price of Cell Phones

Talking about why the price of acquiring a cell phone and associated service is going down, but the cost of using a cell phone and associated service is going up. I believe that the price of the cell phone is going down is because the material that is used is becoming more common and a lot less cheaper to buy. The technology of phones are are coming for more common with all the companies, which makes them to lower prices to get the customer to come to them. The reason why I believe that services cost are going up is because everyone in the world wants to me be connected to the interenet on their phones. So, with the companies knowing this, they are going to raise there prices and people will pay really anything to have internet. In this case once there is some new technology like being able to have virtual conversation, then maybe then the services will go down in price.


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

How I stay Connected

I technology I use to stay connected are my Phone and computer. On my phone I have Facebook and Twitter downloaded onto my phone. So, I find myself checking my twitter and Facebook pages every five minutes. The other way I stay connected is my computer, on my computer I use the internet to look on ESPN, Yahoo news. I always find myself checking the headlines on yahoo more than anything lately. Staying connected to everything is a lot easier than it was when I was a kid. When I was a kid, there were websites up, but not in the detail it is now.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

My Interests

The two interests that I have are: Basketball, anything to do with Basketball I love to do. I really enjoy playing the game, its always that go to thing when I need to get things off my mind. Another interest of mine is Baseball, baseball is a sport that i played while I was growing up. It was a game that all my buddies and I would get to get together and play all summer long. As you can see, I love sports. Playing 3 sports for 4 years in high school I guess that all do in your free time and I enjoy that.

Here is a link to my favorite baseball insider at ESPN.

Stephen A. Smith is a person who is full of knowledge on any sport. Basketball is probably his strong suit.